For me personally, social studies is to study about different social, racial, economic, or political issues that have rose up in today's society, or an issue that has already risen in a past event.
From what I have been taught in the early years of my elementary school career, I remember doing a bunch of activities such as CURRENT EVENTS. Current Events is where we would take a bunch of different articles where we would take the 5 W's and explain what is going on throughout the article and the world around us. Most of the time I would choose the sports section, so I would not learn much because I knew the things before hand.
It wasn't until I was in high school where I started to learn more about the different social justice, geography, political, and economic issues. Learning about what different types of issues with slavery, residential schools, and other types of oppression helped me create a mindset that was much more aware of different types of oppression.
Also when I was in the elementary years of my education career when I started learning about geography and political actions. I remember coloring in the map of Canada, but it wasn't until I was in high school when I started to understand where the different types of historical events have taken place (example: Quebeckers wanting out of Canada on many occasions).
Now that I have been able to learn more about what Social Studies actually is, I now know that social studies covers more subjects such as economics, history, and native studies. But with this class, I look forward to looking for more information on how I will be able to teach more about social studies in a fun, engaging, and authentic manner with each and every one of my students!
Thank you for connecting in this way, Jacob. I am hoping with the weaving of ideas, resources, and planning workshops it is all coming together.