Friday, 14 June 2019

GRASPS (Understand By Design)

I had posted this in ECUR 379's Blog, but I thought I would share this again. This is a great resource to help with the GRASPS section of a unit plan.

Whenever I am doing a unit plan, I used to get held up at the GRASPS portion of the unit plan because I was unsure of what to say. But with the help of the different handouts that I have been given throughout my education career, I have held on to this handout, specifically to help with my unit plans.

Constructing a Performance Task Scenario Using GRASPS

Consider the following set of stem statements as you construct a scenario for a performance task. Refer to the tables above to help you brainstorm possible scenarios. Note: These are idea starters. Resist the urge to fill in all of the blanks! Goal: Your task is _________________________________________________________________
Your goal is to _______________________________________________________________

The problem or challenge is ____________________________________________________
The obstacle to overcome is ____________________________________________________

You are_____________________________________________________________________

You have been asked to _______________________________________________________

Your job is __________________________________________________________________

Your clients are _____________________________________________________________

The target audience is ________________________________________________________

You need to convince ________________________________________________________

The context you find yourself in is______________________________________________

The challenge involves dealing with _____________________________________________

Product, Performance, and Purpose:
You will create a _______________________________________ in order to__________________________

You need to develop ____________________________________so that _____________________________

Standards and Criteria for Success:
Your performance needs to _________________________________________________________________

Your work will be judged by _________________________________________________________________

Your product must meet the following standard (quality) __________________________________________

A successful result will ______________________________________________________________________

By answering the different questions that the handout provides, I have been able to fill out the GRASPS portions with less problems. This hand out has always helped me, and I am sure it can help you.

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